Cooperative Humanity:Copyrights

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Stephen Kinsella and Richard Boren represented two seemingly opposed sides in a discussion about Intellectual Property on the voluntaryist website. My own take on the issue is that the techniques of self-defense are not appropriate to defend against aggression in the realm of intellectual property. In other words, it is inappropriate to shoot someone or lock them in a cage in order to prevent them from copying information that you created. However, it is disrespectful to copy information that someone else made if they request that it not be copied. I also feel that even with no request from a content creator, it is disrespectful to provide that content without attributing it to whomever created it.

Everything in this Wiki is released under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike (CC BY-SA) license, which means you can "remix, tweak, and build upon [this] work even for commercial purposes, as long as [you] credit [CHOSE] and license [your] new creations under the identical terms."